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jeudi 26 septembre 2013

How To Tone Your Butt ? ... Best Exercises

How To Tone Your Butt ?

Most women want to have beautiful butt, that's why I have written this article around how to tone your butt ? (my lady). these exercises I will explain are the best exercises to tone your butt, so let's go.

Exercise #1: Lateral Leg Lifts

This is definitely an incredible way to tone your butt and glutes, focus on the outside thighs and obliques, and enhance balance. You are making stability on one leg while gradually increasing and decreasing the opposite leg out to the side. Be certain that each hips and shoulders are facing in the same direction, maintain your chest open, and try not to swing your leg. Concentrate on slow movements.  Do 15 to 20.

How To Tone Your Butt

Lateral Leg Lifts

Exercise #2: Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift

Stand with feet together and emphasizing your heel, hold a dumbbell or pair of dumbbells with hands slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Make sure your back is straight and abs tight (1), slowly lower the weight towards the front foot while raising the other leg behind you for balance. Once the weight reaches mid-shin level (2), push through the ground heel to return to the upright position and squeeze the glutes at the top position. Repeat on opposite leg once completed with set.  That's one rep. Do 15 to 20.
How To Tone Your Butt

Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift

Exercise #3: Bent-Knee Dumbbell Deadlift

Line up a pair of 10- to 15-pound dumbbells horizontally on the floor in front of you. Squat, keeping your chest up, and grab the dumbbells with an overhand grip. Your arms should be straight and your lower back slightly arched, not rounded (a). Contract your glutes and stand up with the dumbbells, straightening your legs, thrusting your hips forward, and pulling your torso back and up (b). Slowly lower the dumbbells to the floor. That's one rep. Do 15 to 20.
How To Tone Your Butt

Bent-Knee Dumbbell Deadlift

Exercise #4: Plank with Leg Lift

Starting in a plank position on your elbows or hands, engage abs and lift your right leg slightly off the ground (about 1-2 inches) and hold for 2 seconds. Lowering right leg to ground and lift your left leg. Repeat.  That's one rep. Do 15 to 20.
How To Tone Your Butt

Plank with Leg Lift

Exercise #5: Double-Leg Hip Bridge

Lie face up with your feet flat on the floor, arms at your sides, palms facing up (1). Lift your hips off the floor, keeping your weight on your heels, until your body forms a straight line from shoulders to knees (2). Pause, then lower to start.  That's one rep. Do 10 to 15.
How To Tone Your Butt

Double-Leg Hip Bridge

stay sporty stay healthy

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lundi 23 septembre 2013

How To Lose 10 Pounds In a Week With Exercise.

Do you want to lose 10 pounds in a week? you are in the right place, it is not hard to lose 10 pounds in a week if you follow the right diet and workout plan . Read this article. You are about to discover a powerful drive twenty minutes you will lose ten pounds in a week or less .

This workout includes exercises that must be done around 500 times. It is also called the body weight 500 workout challenge. It is used by fitness trainers , athletes and martial artists. This is one of the most effective fat burning workouts ever known .This is "how to lose 10 pounds in a week with exercises". let's goooo !!

here is exactly how to lose 10 pounds in a week with exercise ?

1) 20 Prisoner Squats :
how to lose 10 pounds in a week with exercise

2) 20 Jumps :
how to lose 10 pounds in a week with exercise

3) 20 pompes :
how to lose 10 pounds in a week with exercise

4) 20 Stability Ball Leg Curls :
how to lose 10 pounds in a week with exercise

5) 20 Stability Ball Jackknifes :

how to lose 10 pounds in a week with exercise

6) 20 Step-ups :
how to lose 10 pounds in a week with exercise

7) 15 Pull-ups  :
how to lose 10 pounds in a week with exercise

8) 20 Forward Lunges :

how to lose 10 pounds in a week with exercise
9) 15 Close-grip Pushus : (close grip)
how to lose 10 pounds in a week with exercise

Repeat the workout thrice after just a five minute rest. In the next article I will talk about diet to be followed to reach your goal.

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vendredi 20 septembre 2013

The Best Tummy Exercises For Women At Home

Here are some excellent tummy exercises to reduce belly fat fast. Forget targets abdominal or long slow cardio exercises, it is not efficient enough. People often think they have to spend two hours in the gym is not true. In fact, you need to do exercises that stimulate your metabolism and increase your fat burning hormones as well. With the help of these exercises and proper nutrition, you will become beach ready. In this article, i will give you the best tummy exercises.
tummy exercises.
exercise #1.

tummy exercises.
exercise #2.

tummy exercises.
exercise #3.

tummy exercises.
exerccise #4

tummy exercises.
exercise #5

tummy exercises.

exercise #6.

best tummy exercises.
exercise #7.

exercise # 8

As you have seen these exercises are very simple to do. try to do in your home.
1 hour, 3 days per week.

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jeudi 19 septembre 2013

The Best Foods To Eat To Lose Weight

Because of the type of modern life and the nature of food, many people suffer from weight gain. in this article, I will talk about some food that can help you to lose weight, I will talk about the best foods to eat to lose weight fast. So what are the best foods to eat to lose weight fast?

The Best Foods To Eat To Lose Weight

It is best to eat meat from animals that were fed grass and allowed to roam pastures. Chicken, beef, and lamb, or any other animal that has been free to live as they should rather than living in cramped and given tons of hormones and antibiotics are the best option. The grain is simply not a natural food for these animals, which involves changes in meat compounds that are good for us. But remember, even if you can afford options grain, they are much better for you than processed meats.

Fish are an excellent food because they contain a great fatty acid Omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acids has been shown to help prevent heart disease and mental illnesses such as depression. Simply choose fish once or twice a week can provide a benefit to you throughout the week and make you more efficient brain. It will improve your mood and helps you think. While some fish may contain contaminants due to pollution, the fish is generally safe and the benefits outweigh the potential risks.
Eat more fish like Salmon, Tuna, and Sardines to make your body more sensitive to a fat burning hormone called Leptin (Leptin means "thin" in Greek).Leptin suppresses your appetite and Leptin determines whether you store the calories you eat as fat or if you burn the calories you eat for energy.

The fruit is another natural whole food that provides us with nutrients, fiber, and vitamins. They are also delicious, come in a variety of flavors, and you can eat them as is or use the meal. They are rich in fructose, a natural fruit sugar, but if you eat small amounts here and there throughout the day and stick to eating just one fruit per day, so there is no reason to worry of weight gain. If you normally eat sweets and try to reduce or eliminate from your diet, many different fruits available can help you avoid processed giving you a healthy sugar fix.

Vegetables are great for a variety of reasons. They are full of fiber, which helps you feel full longer and promotes healthy bowel function, more fibers also bind bile in it. This is important because cholesterol is made ​​from the bile, it is a way to lower cholesterol in the blood without taking a prescription. Vegetables also provide us with tons of vitamins and nutrients that are essential to our body. They are a low calorie food that should be eaten every day.

Eggs can actually make you feel full longer than you think. Nutrition in yellow offers a multitude of proteins that can reduce your caloric intake while providing you with special antioxidants that promote good eye health. Even if there had years to think that eggs raise cholesterol, which continues today as a myth, we now know that the cholesterol in eggs increases the good cholesterol in our body changes and bad cholesterol a larger form that is not harmful to us. Eggs are actually one of the most beneficial and healthy foods could possibly eat.

I think that is the best foods to eat to lose weight.  And remember anyone is smart enough to know that if you want to lose weight, you do not want to stuff yourself with pizza, fries, ice cream, hamburgers and other foods that are loaded with saturated fats and cholesterol - but you DON'T have to cut out all of the foods you love! Just add some of the best foods to eat to lose weight, and watch those pounds melt away faster than you ever thought possible.
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mercredi 18 septembre 2013

best leg toning exercises ... try it and tell me !

If your goal is to have slim, strong sexy legs, you have to work for them. You could spend all the time in the world doing cardio, but it will not really tone and sculpt your legs like bearing exercises weight possible. here are three leg toning exercises for women that involves the body weight or the use of dumbbells . In this article, I will provide you information on the best leg toning exercises, which will give you the sexy legs that you want.

There are tow categories of leg toning Exercises. The first is to use weight to stress the legs, and the second is to just use your own body. Using weights would be the quickest way, but if you do not want to use weights, you can still get a great set of legs that you will be proud to show off.

Weight Training Exercises For Toning Leg

At the top of the pile is the squat. There is no better all round exercise for your legs than the squat. You can do this either with a barbell placed on your shoulders behind your neck, or holding dumbbells at your side.
when you first start out, you can do air squats. This doesn’t require a gym membership, any weights or any special training. You can even perform them while watching TV. Just stand up with your feet spread out, place your hands out in front of your body and reach your butt back into the sitting position, only without a chair behind you. You should feel your glutes and your quads as you push through the motion, keeping your weight on your heels.
leg toning exercises
air squats 1
leg toning exercises
air squats 2
now, if you master the technique of the air squat, it’s time to add a little extra weight to make it even more effective at toning your legs. You can grab a pair of dumbbells, hold them up as if you were going to push them over your head, but keep them level with your ears. Then squat into position, really bending down deep. As you progress further and build your leg muscles, you can move up to a barbell and increase the weight over time as you continue to challenge yourself.

leg toning exercises
squats exercise
Dead lifts. Dead lifting is one of the best leg toning exercise for women. Dead lifts are very important for you may lady   for burning fat and strengthening the hamstrings. You must ensure that you train so that your body is balanced. For each exercise you do come to the front of your body, you need to match with each other to the rear. Dead lifts will help tone your back side.
and now i will tell you how do deadlift correctly:
  1. Holding the barbell (or two dumbbells at your side), keep your arms straight and knees slightly bent.
  2. Slowly bend at your hip joint, not your waist, and lower the weights as far as possible without rounding your back, which should remain straight. Make sure you keep your spine neutral with a natural low-back arch, with shoulders down. Looking forward, not at the ground, will help you avoid rounding your back.
  3. Keep the barbell close to your legs, almost touching them.
  4. Squeeze your glutes to pull yourself up at a quicker pace than it took to bend down. Don't use your back and do not round your spine.
  5. You should be using a weight where you can do three sets of 12 to 20 reps before fatiguing your muscles.
leg toning exercises
squats exercise
Cardio Exercises For Toning Legs:

I think one of the best ways to get your toned legs with a cardio exercise is using a stepper. A step mimics walking uphill, and really hits your thighs and back of your legs. You can also burn a lot of calories using a stepper. Many climbers use a step by step training.
leg toning exercises

These are some of the best leg toning exercises that you can get, do it, and pretty soon you will not want to hide your legs. 
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mardi 17 septembre 2013

Top 10 Weight Loss Tips to Burn Fat.

Most people embark on a diet at some time in their lives. While we are incapable of show a percentage of failed diets correctly, we can say that most of the efforts result in weight loss in the short term due to the reduction in calories and unfortunately lead to new weight gain. Just in case your power supply has failed or is about to fail Read our tips for the best fat loss ...

1. Between 5-10 minutes before a meal, drink a glass of water to fill your stomach up so you don't eat as much food.

2.Drink More Water : Replace all soft drinks and other sugary juices with water. If you need flavor in your water use a lime or lemon wedge mixed in your water.(water is better..).

3. Always eat breakfast. A balanced breakfast will include a protein (steak, chicken, fish or eggs); Fruit and some oatmeal to kick start your metabolism. A balanced breakfast will allow you to stabilize blood sugar and prevent over indulging later in the day.

4. Choose breads and other carbohydrates that are whole grains such as spelt, buckwheat, barley.

5.Eat Smaller Meals Throughout the Day : Eating 2 or 3 larger meals per day causes the body’s metabolism to stall as it’s forced to process a higher number of calories. Eat 4 to 6 smaller meals each day and limit calories to no more than 300 to 400 at each sitting. Eat sensibly and avoid heavily processed foods in favor of natural choices including plenty of raw vegetables. Most important, never eat after 7 PM to allow complete digestion of your last meal before going to sleep

6.Drink Green Tea : Studies confirm that drinking tea, especially the less processed green tea boosts metabolism when you’re resting and specifically targets the release of stored fat. Brew the tea yourself to avoid the sugar added to prepackaged teas.

7. Cook more often at home : This will allow you to know exactly what is in your food and help you reach your goals. Most dieters have no concept of the excess calories they eat when dining out. Most restaurant meals include twice the number of calories as a home cooked meal. For weight loss to be successful, you must be able to control the healthy ingredients and quantity.

8.Eat Slowly and Enjoy Your Food : Slow down when eating to allow your brain to send the satiety signal so you know when to stop eating. You should enjoy your food and chew each bite a minimum of 20 times to aid the beginning of the digestive process.

9.Develop an Exercise Routine : To be successful in any weight loss plan, it’s essential to incorporate an exercise regimen. It doesn’t need to be strenuous, but must be done regularly on most days of the week. Use a combination of strength training and cardio to make it fun, and be sure to train for 20 to 30 minutes each session.

10. Remember to keep working: All types of activities burn calories. Move around as much as possible. Park further in the lot when going to the store, take the stairs instead of an elevator and experiment in new types of physical fitness. If you have kids create activities that get you all outside to PLAY and just do what you enjoy! yes do what do you enjoy.

All of these tips have been proven to deliver results. Follow as many as possible for maximum results, but don’t let one or two push you away from your ultimate goal of permanent weight loss. Losing fat, especially from the midsection is critically important to living a long and healthy life.

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lundi 16 septembre 2013

4 Slimming Tips Every Girl Should Know

After spending so much time trying to lose weight, now you have the body that you wish. the real challenge comes in trying to maintain your body weight. Exercise and using diet plans can only help for a short time. However, you need a long term solution to sustain your body. Maintaining your slim curvaceous body is actually simpler than you think. With a couple of routines and tricks, you can keep your slim figure for longer. yes you can just follow our tips.
1. Stay hydrated:
Slimming Tips

Take a lot of water. If you can get yourself to take about sixty four ounces every day, you will be helping your body. Sugary drinks only add more calories to your body. Water however helps to keep your system clean. Also, drinking alcohol and wines will dehydrate you.
7 Great Tips to Staying Hydrated
If you're living a busy life, even simple tasks--like staying hydrated--can be difficult. So here are seven easy ways to keep your juices flowing.
1. Fruits and vegetables are great sources of water. Be sure to eat these daily, not only to stay hydrated, but to maintain optimal health.
2. Keep a large water bottle handy to encourage you to drink water wherever and whenever.
3. Have a glass of water before each meal.
4. After each trip to the restroom, drink a glass of water to replenish your fluids.
5. Set reminders on your phone, watch, or email to drink every hour.
6. Track your intake of fluids to make sure you get enough daily.
7. Add a slice of lemon, lime and/or basil to your water to give it some flavor without adding any extra calories.
2. Sex and sleep:
Slimming Tips

Sex is not only pleasant. Over time, you'll be amazed at what it can do for your body. Studies sex have been proven to hold the women and look pretty bright. All rigorous activities in the room can serve as a natural weight loss routine. Although sleep is another way to stay slim. After all, every girl needs her beauty sleep.
3. yoga :
Slimming Tips

Never heard on yoga retreats? They are serene getaways where people go to revitalize. If you've ever spent for one, you should consider. Yoga is one of the top ways of keeping your body lean. A little meditation and stretching will keep your body in check. For a more constant routine, you can apply for yoga classes every week. You are bound to run into other ladies who will motivate you.
4. Eat more protein:
Slimming Tips

Instead of always eating starchy sugary foods or when you're hungry, look for portentous foods. Do research on snacks that have proteins and be sure to stock them in your house, car or workplace. Protein helps to activate a hormone called glucagon. This hormone is used to burn fat. Try to eat more protein snacks especially after having meals with fatty foods. and this is some example for food with protien Chicken, Fish (Tuna, Salmon, Halibut), Cheese, Lean Beef and Veal, Eggs (Especially Egg Whites),Yogurt, Milk, and Soymilk...
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vendredi 13 septembre 2013

Top 4 tummy exercises for a pretty belly

Midsection exercises are some of the most important workouts when it comes to burn and raze the hip and belly fat. Your curves start here!, here are our favorite tummy exercises that can help you to get the stomach  you want.
Tummy exercise #1: Sprinting.
Seriously!, Running long distances at your own speed level will work your entire core. Quick & easy solution, so lace up and head out!

Tummy exercises
Tummy  exercise #2: Fitness Ball crunches.
Take the pressure off of your back and target your abs so well that the other muscles that usually come in to play during a crunch are left alone. This is a great thing for people who are struggling to get the movements right or who have a big waist and want to minimize the amount it gets worked so as to avoid it getting bigger.

tummy exercises Fitness Ball crunches

Tummy exercise #3. Bicycle crunches. 
Lie on your back on a mat with knees bent, feet on the floor, and hands behind your head (dont clasp your fingers). Press your lower back into the mat and tighten your ab muscles as you lift your head, shoulders, and upper back off the floor and simultaneously move your right elbow and left knee toward each other while straightening your right leg (dont let it touch the ground).

Draw your right knee back up and immediately move your left elbow and right knee toward each other while straightening your left leg; thats one rep. Continue to move continuously, as if pedaling a bicycle. Do 3 sets of 15 reps 2-3 times a week.

Tummy exercises

Tummy exercise #4: Basic crunches.
To perform an abdominal crunch, lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Put your hands lightly on your ears. Using your abdominal muscles, crunch up about 30 degrees from the floor. You can add variety and hit different parts of your mid-section with these crunch variations:

  • At the same time you crunch your body up, curl your legs off the ground toward your head, and squeeze your belly button toward the floor. This will engage all three pairs of muscles-the upper with the upper crunch, the lower with the leg pull, and the middle with the squeeze.
  • Try doing crunches with your back flat on an exercise ball.
  • Lie flat on the floor and lift your knees toward your chest. In that move, you'll use more of the lower region of your abdominals.
tummy exercises

try it ! 
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mercredi 11 septembre 2013

top 5 Tummy exercises for women at home

Tummy exercises for women at home are probably the most common and the most popular exercises women do at home. We all want to have nice flat and toned tummies.

Aside from not looking great, poor muscle tone in your abdominal area can also lead to poor posture and can cause lower back problems over time, good muscle tone will ensure optimal biomechanics and help to strengthen your lower back. If you already have lower back ache do not get despondent because with easy tummy exercises for women at home you can correct this problem and get relief from your lower back ache. These tummy exercises for women at home are so easy and you don't need any special equipment to do them and best of all, you don't even need a gym membership. I suggest you these five top tummy exercises :

Tummy exercises
Tummy exercises n: 1

Tummy exercises
Tummy exercises n: 2

Tummy exercises
Tummy exercises n: 3

Tummy exercises
Tummy exercises n: 4

Tummy exercises
Tummy exercises n: 5
I hope these tummy exercices  help you to have the belly that you wish. 
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mardi 10 septembre 2013

5 Home Exercises to Lose Weight Quickly .

Home Exercises to Lose Weight Quickly - 5 Tips:

Exercise is an important part of any weight loss diet . But with busy schedules , you all want to know what exercises will help us lose the most weight quickly.Welcome , you are on the right path.

Tip 1: Squats : Your buttocks and leg muscles are the largest muscles in your body. Every day in the mirror, put your feet shoulder width while facing forward and squat down - and up 10-20 times for 2 or 3 sets. This will build your leg and buttock muscles . As you build strength , try holding 2 or 5 pounds dumbbells in your hands while you work . Make sure to warm up first , and stop if you notice a sharp pain in the knees.
Home Exercises to Lose Weight Quickly - 5 Tips:

Tip 2: Pushups : Pushups are a form of strength training : during a recess your arms have to support up to 70 % of your body weight. Do 2 or 3 sets of 20 pushups to build arm strength and increase your RMR .
Home Exercises to Lose Weight Quickly - 5 Tips:
Tip 3 : Stepping : Stepping is a great way to get the beating of your heart and burn calories. You can use your stairs at home , but for best results I suggest buying specialized stackable step mats and stack them at least 15 inches (38 cm). Do 2 to 3 sets of 20 steps each to begin . Even if you do not feel like stepping help, it is ! This exercise will not only help you lose weight but also help shape your buttocks and legs

5 Home Exercises to Lose Weight Quickly .

Tip 4: Jumping jacks : Jumping jacks are an excellent whole-body aerobic workout you can do at home. Make 4 or 5 sets of 20 jumps, or as needed. Tip: If you live in an apartment or stay in a second floor room , be considerate of your neighbors by going outside or doing these in a first floor room .

5 Home Exercises to Lose Weight Quickly .

Tip 5 : Fast walking : While walking is in itself a great aerobic exercise , fast walking is even better for burning fat. Make sure you really stretch first and warm up with regular walking . Once you start your fast-paced walking, try to maintain as much speed as possible for as long as you can . If you feel tired , try doing intervals of fast walking followed by short periods of slower walking 
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top 5 causes of loss hair in women

top 5 causes of  loss hair  in women

 you are one of the women who suffer from hair loss, do you know the cause of this  problem ? welcom here's a list of some causes of  loss hair  in women:
causes of loss hair in women
causes of loss hair in women

1. Genetic:
Women can lose their hair due to genetic causes. This is identical to that of men and is called androgenic alopecia. and about 50% of all women and it usually happens between the ages of 50-60 years old. Women who have this genetic disorder tend to have hair follicles decrease to a point where they stop hair .grow

2. stress:
Stress is considered one of the main causes of hair loss in women. During stress, chemicals such as adrenaline are released into the body, which can lead to hair loss. Elevated stress hormones can cause hair to enter a period of dormancy and stop growing for months before falling completely.

3-Use of Medication:
the most of drugs used to treat an underlying illness may also causes some side effects and alopecia ( hair loss) may be one of them. 

4-change Hormones:
Hormonal changes too can lead to hair loss in women. During the life of a woman, it goes through several hormonal changes. The main reasons for hair loss due to hormonal changes can be delivery after abortion or because of a miscarriage. Imbalance in estrogen levels is also one of the main causes.

5. Excessive use of chemical hair products and style:
Women tend to fidget in their hair, and many dye their hair often and do all kinds of style for good show. They do not know that they can weaken the hair and makes break, causing hair loss, while reducing the use of this product. 

Hair loss can be a great source of stress and anxiety in women. This situation can be avoided or controlled by taking care of hair. You can also consult a hairdresser or a doctor for advice on how to reduce hair loss. You must to first identify the main cause that contributes to the constant hair loss. The sooner the problem is diagnosed, the better the outcome of treatment.

Finaly don't  worry worry There is always more than one way to treat hair loss in women. 
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