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mardi 10 septembre 2013

top 5 causes of loss hair in women

top 5 causes of  loss hair  in women

 you are one of the women who suffer from hair loss, do you know the cause of this  problem ? welcom here's a list of some causes of  loss hair  in women:
causes of loss hair in women
causes of loss hair in women

1. Genetic:
Women can lose their hair due to genetic causes. This is identical to that of men and is called androgenic alopecia. and about 50% of all women and it usually happens between the ages of 50-60 years old. Women who have this genetic disorder tend to have hair follicles decrease to a point where they stop hair .grow

2. stress:
Stress is considered one of the main causes of hair loss in women. During stress, chemicals such as adrenaline are released into the body, which can lead to hair loss. Elevated stress hormones can cause hair to enter a period of dormancy and stop growing for months before falling completely.

3-Use of Medication:
the most of drugs used to treat an underlying illness may also causes some side effects and alopecia ( hair loss) may be one of them. 

4-change Hormones:
Hormonal changes too can lead to hair loss in women. During the life of a woman, it goes through several hormonal changes. The main reasons for hair loss due to hormonal changes can be delivery after abortion or because of a miscarriage. Imbalance in estrogen levels is also one of the main causes.

5. Excessive use of chemical hair products and style:
Women tend to fidget in their hair, and many dye their hair often and do all kinds of style for good show. They do not know that they can weaken the hair and makes break, causing hair loss, while reducing the use of this product. 

Hair loss can be a great source of stress and anxiety in women. This situation can be avoided or controlled by taking care of hair. You can also consult a hairdresser or a doctor for advice on how to reduce hair loss. You must to first identify the main cause that contributes to the constant hair loss. The sooner the problem is diagnosed, the better the outcome of treatment.

Finaly don't  worry worry There is always more than one way to treat hair loss in women. 

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