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mercredi 18 septembre 2013

best leg toning exercises ... try it and tell me !

If your goal is to have slim, strong sexy legs, you have to work for them. You could spend all the time in the world doing cardio, but it will not really tone and sculpt your legs like bearing exercises weight possible. here are three leg toning exercises for women that involves the body weight or the use of dumbbells . In this article, I will provide you information on the best leg toning exercises, which will give you the sexy legs that you want.

There are tow categories of leg toning Exercises. The first is to use weight to stress the legs, and the second is to just use your own body. Using weights would be the quickest way, but if you do not want to use weights, you can still get a great set of legs that you will be proud to show off.

Weight Training Exercises For Toning Leg

At the top of the pile is the squat. There is no better all round exercise for your legs than the squat. You can do this either with a barbell placed on your shoulders behind your neck, or holding dumbbells at your side.
when you first start out, you can do air squats. This doesn’t require a gym membership, any weights or any special training. You can even perform them while watching TV. Just stand up with your feet spread out, place your hands out in front of your body and reach your butt back into the sitting position, only without a chair behind you. You should feel your glutes and your quads as you push through the motion, keeping your weight on your heels.
leg toning exercises
air squats 1
leg toning exercises
air squats 2
now, if you master the technique of the air squat, it’s time to add a little extra weight to make it even more effective at toning your legs. You can grab a pair of dumbbells, hold them up as if you were going to push them over your head, but keep them level with your ears. Then squat into position, really bending down deep. As you progress further and build your leg muscles, you can move up to a barbell and increase the weight over time as you continue to challenge yourself.

leg toning exercises
squats exercise
Dead lifts. Dead lifting is one of the best leg toning exercise for women. Dead lifts are very important for you may lady   for burning fat and strengthening the hamstrings. You must ensure that you train so that your body is balanced. For each exercise you do come to the front of your body, you need to match with each other to the rear. Dead lifts will help tone your back side.
and now i will tell you how do deadlift correctly:
  1. Holding the barbell (or two dumbbells at your side), keep your arms straight and knees slightly bent.
  2. Slowly bend at your hip joint, not your waist, and lower the weights as far as possible without rounding your back, which should remain straight. Make sure you keep your spine neutral with a natural low-back arch, with shoulders down. Looking forward, not at the ground, will help you avoid rounding your back.
  3. Keep the barbell close to your legs, almost touching them.
  4. Squeeze your glutes to pull yourself up at a quicker pace than it took to bend down. Don't use your back and do not round your spine.
  5. You should be using a weight where you can do three sets of 12 to 20 reps before fatiguing your muscles.
leg toning exercises
squats exercise
Cardio Exercises For Toning Legs:

I think one of the best ways to get your toned legs with a cardio exercise is using a stepper. A step mimics walking uphill, and really hits your thighs and back of your legs. You can also burn a lot of calories using a stepper. Many climbers use a step by step training.
leg toning exercises

These are some of the best leg toning exercises that you can get, do it, and pretty soon you will not want to hide your legs. 

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