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mardi 17 septembre 2013

Top 10 Weight Loss Tips to Burn Fat.

Most people embark on a diet at some time in their lives. While we are incapable of show a percentage of failed diets correctly, we can say that most of the efforts result in weight loss in the short term due to the reduction in calories and unfortunately lead to new weight gain. Just in case your power supply has failed or is about to fail Read our tips for the best fat loss ...

1. Between 5-10 minutes before a meal, drink a glass of water to fill your stomach up so you don't eat as much food.

2.Drink More Water : Replace all soft drinks and other sugary juices with water. If you need flavor in your water use a lime or lemon wedge mixed in your water.(water is better..).

3. Always eat breakfast. A balanced breakfast will include a protein (steak, chicken, fish or eggs); Fruit and some oatmeal to kick start your metabolism. A balanced breakfast will allow you to stabilize blood sugar and prevent over indulging later in the day.

4. Choose breads and other carbohydrates that are whole grains such as spelt, buckwheat, barley.

5.Eat Smaller Meals Throughout the Day : Eating 2 or 3 larger meals per day causes the body’s metabolism to stall as it’s forced to process a higher number of calories. Eat 4 to 6 smaller meals each day and limit calories to no more than 300 to 400 at each sitting. Eat sensibly and avoid heavily processed foods in favor of natural choices including plenty of raw vegetables. Most important, never eat after 7 PM to allow complete digestion of your last meal before going to sleep

6.Drink Green Tea : Studies confirm that drinking tea, especially the less processed green tea boosts metabolism when you’re resting and specifically targets the release of stored fat. Brew the tea yourself to avoid the sugar added to prepackaged teas.

7. Cook more often at home : This will allow you to know exactly what is in your food and help you reach your goals. Most dieters have no concept of the excess calories they eat when dining out. Most restaurant meals include twice the number of calories as a home cooked meal. For weight loss to be successful, you must be able to control the healthy ingredients and quantity.

8.Eat Slowly and Enjoy Your Food : Slow down when eating to allow your brain to send the satiety signal so you know when to stop eating. You should enjoy your food and chew each bite a minimum of 20 times to aid the beginning of the digestive process.

9.Develop an Exercise Routine : To be successful in any weight loss plan, it’s essential to incorporate an exercise regimen. It doesn’t need to be strenuous, but must be done regularly on most days of the week. Use a combination of strength training and cardio to make it fun, and be sure to train for 20 to 30 minutes each session.

10. Remember to keep working: All types of activities burn calories. Move around as much as possible. Park further in the lot when going to the store, take the stairs instead of an elevator and experiment in new types of physical fitness. If you have kids create activities that get you all outside to PLAY and just do what you enjoy! yes do what do you enjoy.

All of these tips have been proven to deliver results. Follow as many as possible for maximum results, but don’t let one or two push you away from your ultimate goal of permanent weight loss. Losing fat, especially from the midsection is critically important to living a long and healthy life.

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